Tracing Shadow

Tracing Shadow is a 2009 wuxia comedy film directed by Francis Ng and Marco Mak, starring Ng, Pace Wu, Jaycee Chan and Xie Na. This film is also known for featuring actors with uncanny resemblances to famous stars which include Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Andy Lau, Jay Chou, Nicholas Tse and Richie Ren.

Cut to five years later and the treasureseeking warriors have come no closer to finding their prize, but have each assumed the disguise of a normal villager. Changgong and Xin run a restaurant the Dragon Inn with their adopted daughter Xiaowei, while the three thieves pass themselves off as a shopkeeper, singer and monk. Theyre all under the thumb of the young landowner, Lord Xu, a spoilt rich kid with a soft spot for Xiaowei. He struggles to gain the respect of the villagers and to collect their rent, until he lets obliviously slip that he is the custodian of the treasure map.Later mayor Gu Yuejin accidentally sends a pigeon about the treasure in the Imperial City. Loads of army come including the second army, led by Nalan. Xin, Xiaowei and Xu follow the treasure to claim the treasure while Changgong and Nalan engage in another duel. All five of them later encountered the treasure which turns out to be a spade. Nalan throws the spade away but later falls on him, killing him. ........

Source: Wikipedia